lördag 14 juni 2008

Muslimska barn i Storbritannien "uppfostras att hata sitt hemland"

The teachings of Omar Bakri Mohammed are popular on radical sites

Radical brittiska muslimer har bildat chattrum för att diskutera adoption av föräldralösa barn och att uppfostra dem att bli islamska krigare, visar en studie.

Discussions on a number of radical websites have asked how children should be brought up to be "mujahideen" and whether they should be pulled out of mainstream schools.

Other participants boast of how their children threaten to kill "kuffar" [non-believers] and complain that the Shakespeare being taught in schools is "full of homosexuality, fornication and adultery."

The Centre for Social Cohesion says radical Muslims are using the internet to create a "virtual Islamic caliphate" and calls on the government to launch a crack down.

Läs mer: dailymail

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