Ett kosmetikaföretag i Malmö har bland sina största marknader Ryssland och Saudiarabien. Till dessa och andra länder levereras tryckta kataloger med bilder av produkterna och välartade bilder på brunetter och blondiner, såväl svenska som utländska och utlandsfödda.
Läs mer hos: muslimska friskolan blogspot
onsdag 19 december 2007
DVD med barnsånger visade sig innehålla uppmaning till självmordsbombning.

British children targeted with terror sing-along DVD for would-be suicide bomber
A shocking sing-along children's DVD which glorifies suicide bombing is being investigated by anti-terrorist police after being found on sale in one of Britain's terrorist hotbeds.
The disc - part of an Egyptian-made series - is on sale in West Yorkshire, where three of the July 7 bombers lived, and is aimed at youngsters from the local Muslim community.
Introduced by a cute cartoon chicken, it contains three songs in Arabic which are illustrated with a video story. But any impression of its being an innocent music DVD is immediately dispelled by a song with English subtitles about two children who lose their mother when she blows herself up in a suicide bomb attack.
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