The anti-Islam film announced by Ehsan Jami last year is an animated film that will be released on 20 April, Jami said Wednesday evening on current affairs programme Netwerk. The 20 th April is the birth day of Hitler.Jami's production is bound to come up against opposition.
The Contact body for Muslims and the Government has already announced it will take legal steps against the film.Netwerk showed a drawing from the film, which is entitled The Life of Mohammed.
The drawing shows the prophet Mohammed in the company of his 9-year-old wife Aisa. The prophet is on his way to a mosque to deflower his bride.
Som vanligt rikar sig då dessa skällsord i första hand från svenskar till utläningar i nyhetsreportaget ifrån Svt/rapport.
Vad som aldrig kommer fram i ljuset är den omvända rasismen, skällsord riktade mot etniska svenskar som svennejävel, svennehora med mera. Och lika vanligt är det att skällsord riktas mellan olika utländska etniciteter
Children from the Amsterdam elementary school ‘de Horizon’ are educated the multicultural way. To educate them in the equality and respect for all religions they wend on a field trip to the El Mouchidine mosque in Amsterdam. During the visit to the mosque, the imam told the children that they, unbelievers, were all dogs. The 10-year-old kids and their teachers were shocked. Läs mer: kleinverzet.blogspot