Saudi bigotry and hatred-- in a school in Britain
An ex-teacher has alleged that a Muslim school in London has been using racist textbooks. The school has denied the claims.
The video is no longer available on YouTube. However, an incomplete version may still be seen on the BBC2 site- http://news.bbc.co.uk (Click "Launch in stand alone player" for larger size video).This video is about an investigation which revealed what is being taught about Christians and Jews in the King Fahd Academy- a Saudi-backed Islamic school in the U.K. Some of things in the textbooks are quite shocking. For example:
The monkeys are the Jews; and the pigs: they are the Christian infidels at Jesus' table.
Part of the video is an interview with Dr. Sumaya Alyusf, the director of the school. Watching her speak, I was amazed at how evasive she was--I wonder if she believes that people will not see through her crude attempts at taqiyya. (At one point she states outright that the school does not provide books that portray Jews or Christians in a derogatory manner . . . ). The video is worth watching, if only to see a typical example of taqiyya in action. (Note: This section has been omitted in the version linked to here).
The sort of extremism being espoused in many Islamic schools is also mirrored in much of the preaching inside of mosques a well. British Channel 4's Dispatches' Undercover Mosque program went undercover in several mosques-- what they find may surprise you.
This hatred against non-Muslims-- as well as the lying and other attempts at deception-- are quite common amongst Islamic fundamentalists, not only in Britain, but also in other countries. Always on Watch Two wonders whether or not the same text books are in use in the U.S.-- and points out that New York Senator Chuck Schumer is wondering the same thing as well.Text lånad från: A Deeper Look
Ordet "al-Taqiyya", (taqiah, Al-takeyya, Al-taqiyah, kitman) betyder bokstavligen: "Att dölja eller maskera sin tro, sina övertygelser, idéer, känslor, åsikter och/eller strategier vid en tid av påtaglig fara, antingen eller senare i tiden, för att rädda sig själv från fysisk och/eller känslomässig skada." En enklare översättning skulle kunna vara "Förställning". (Definitionen hämtad från en Shiamuslimsk sajt)."