lördag 12 april 2008

Film - Al Qaeda's Luton Emir - Mr Q Khan

One of the most dangerous men to be walking the streets of Luton, a serious "Public Enemy", who is a threat to the National Security of the British homeland.

This man is believed to be the one responsible for recruiting the ring leader of the 7/7 bombings Mohamed Sidique Khan, and also the Emir of the Fertiliser plot that was at the centre of the biggest anti-terrorist operation in British history - Operation crevice

Al Qaeda trained terrorists, and their ideological Moslem brothers are camped within fortress Bury Park Luton and at this moment in time they well and truly control the ground there, why do you think they used this area to declare War against the British people?

I live in and around the area so know exactly the reason why Luton was used as the central point for Islam's War front within mainland Britain - There is a price to pay for all of that Heroin on the streets that comes from Al Qaeda in Afghanistan & Pakistan after all

You cannot tell me that the Islamic Religious leaders do not know exactly what is going on within their community and the state of play upon the ground in relation to their youth - Silence and Play dumb because the Moslem youth are fulfilling the military aims of Islam

Islamic dominance reigns supreme upon the streets of Luton & Dunstable!

What does the future hold?

The Luton Emir Mr Q Khan

Luton links to terror

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