lördag 14 juni 2008

Blir England Europas första land i EU med status som ett land av tredje världen?

England planerar att klämma in ytterligare 10 miljoner fler invandrare och barn de kommande 25 åren förudspådde officiella siffror igår.
Befolkningen förväntas vara 60miljoner år 2030 - så många som det bor i hela Storbritannien nu.
Ökningen motsvarar en stad av storleken London, eller befolkningen i Skottland, Wales och Nordirland tillsammans.

De flesta av de nya invånarna kommer att vara invandrare, som redan nu lägger till 191 000 personer om året till befolkningen, enligt den nuvarande regeringens siffror. Deras barn kommer också sannolikt att utgöra en stor del av uppsvinget, eftersom bland födelsetalet bland nyanlända grupper är högre än den befintliga befolkningen.

Läs mer: thisislondon

Så här tyckte läsarna:

During the 25 years when 10,000,000 come in, roughly 6,250,000 Brits will move abroad. Who is going to be left to pay the taxes for all the benefits required. Somewhere, someone is going to have to the guts to stop this!

- Mike, Thailand, 13/6/2008 3:57

One wonders if this will be the case, given the rising cost of living in this country. Anyone with any sense would remain as far away from Britain as possible.

- Duncan., Guildford, Surrey, 13/6/2008 4:22

For heaven's sake - WHY?

- Steve, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, 13/6/2008 5:30

Never mind how many doctors and houses would be needed, the real issue is how many jails will be needed to cope with all the increased crime?

- Victoria, Sydney, Australia, 13/6/2008 5:38

If the state only paid out benefits to people who have been employed and paid taxes for several years before getting extras like child benefit/housing benefit plus dishing out British passports, and a spell in the military to qualify for a passport then you could solve the massive immigration problem overnight. People only go to the UK! Because it's such an easy touch that they wouldn't get ANYWHERE else in the planet plus these people have no desire to integrate whatsoever and even more important is the lack of any allegiance to Britain.

- Russelle, Toronto Canada, 13/6/2008 5:43

Thank God I left and boy do I not have any intention to return. It will be interesting to watch these newcomers to see if they can keep up the tax receipts that are needed to fund the nanny state of nu Labour. England has died and any one with half a brain is leaving for a better and more healthy life elsewhere. My business needs plumbers, bricklayers electricians carpentee for well paid work where you can have a good life outside work in your own home and have the prospect of living debt free.

- Dave Kenny, Edmonton Alberta Canada, 13/6/2008 5:44

Room will be made quite easily with decent hard working Britons emigrating out of this overcrowded hell hole to places like Australia.

It's a vicious cycle, we get people coming in who will for the most part just sit on welfare and exploit the system, while the ones who paid for those benefits through taxes (too many taxes i might add) are leaving in droves.

This can only go on so long until Britain finally becomes a third world cesspit and all the people rushing here now for a cushy life, will themselves start rushing to places like Australia, starting the cycle all over again.

How can such a great nation have fallen so far in only 50 years, our ancestors must be spinning in their graves at the destruction of the Great Britain which they left to us.

- John, Sydney, 13/6/2008 5:47

Would someone please explain why we have got to do this? To me it is plain stupid as our infra-structure can not cope at the present level.

- Malcolm May, Windsor, UK, 13/6/2008 7:12

Hang on just one minute. Hasn't McBroon learned anything? Where will all these new homes be built? The government has already said that such as police and teachers will NOT be receiving extra funding to accommodate the immigrant boom were seeing right now. How does he expect us all to live in harmony, it won't happen. The UK will become a blood bath, then it will be too late. Strange how lessons are never learned.

- A. M., Dorset, 13/6/2008 7:22

This country has gone stark raving mad!

- Julie, Bicester, 13/6/2008 7:37

This is nothing more and nothing less than governmental insanity.

- Edward Shire, Manchester,UK, 13/6/2008 7:40

The only reason they have babies is for the benefits and free accommodation. Child benefit should only be for the first two babies and no free accommodation.

- Sue, Southampton, 13/6/2008 7:43

There is no way that the country will be able to do what has been printed in this paper. There will be tremendous problems in the near future, This country will have very few true British people left, as the majority will have left to go to either Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Britain as I have known it is disappearing very fast. The fun I had as a child and as a teenager, have gone never to return. Even my life during 60s to 80s has gone forever. Good bye England.

- Victor Arram, Westcliff, 13/6/2008 8:01

Only yesterday I read that no extra funding will be given to the police or the NHS to help them cope with the pressures of immigration. The overall 'plan' (or lack of one) is now clear - pack them in and pile them high and to hell with the consequences. This can only mean one thing - chaos!

- Carmen, Essex, 13/6/2008 8:02

I really fear for the English way of life.

- JamesB, Wishaw, Scotland, 13/6/2008 8:19

When will this madness cease? How many matches can you get in a box? Britain is a small island. Shouldn't we be allowed a referendum on this most important issue? For God's sake our country is being given away. This must warrant public intervention in some form.

- Peter, Rhodes, Greece, 13/6/2008 8:22

Hopefully before this tragedy happens we will have a patriotic government with backbone, who will put an end to this destruction of our country.

- Margaret Anderson, B'ham, England, 13/6/2008 8:22

Will no one do anything about this stupidity?

- JC, Cambs, 13/6/2008 8:25

Thank god that I am emigrating. The SE is overpopulated already.

- Sarah, Radlett, 13/6/2008 8:31

I have visions of shanty towns springing up and every train covered with passengers clinging on for dear life.

- Mike, Dunstable England, 13/6/2008 8:40

Why us?

No other European country would allow such an influx.

- Pip Waller, Scarborough North Yorkshire, 13/6/2008 8:42

I have read the article with care but cannot find the reason why we need to import 10 million people into Great Britain? Is this a deliberate policy to change this nation by Nu labour? What is the Conservative take on this? Can immigration from the third world really fill a perceived skills gap? What are we going to do about this if we do not agree?

- John, Wolverhampton, 13/6/2008 8:45

"England bedriver en ohämmad flyktinginvandring, Reinfeldt räknas att följa efter.
Så nu vet ni vad vi har att vänta oss här i vårt land."

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