fredag 26 oktober 2007

Muslimska interner kräver miljoner i kompensation för skinksmörgås

Outrage: Muslim prisoners claim they were forced to eat ham sandwiches, which is against their religion

Muslim prisoners sue for millions after they were offered ham sandwiches for Ramadan

Scores of Muslim inmates at a high security prison are set to launch a multi-million pound claim for compensation after they were offered ham sandwiches during the holy month of Ramadan.

They say their human rights were breached when they were given a special nightly menu - drawn up to recognise their specific dietary requirements - by officers at HMP Leeds last month.

More than 200 Muslim inmates at the jail are believed to have been offered the meat which is strictly forbidden by Islam.

The sandwich was one of three options on the menu card which was created to cover the religious festival during which Muslims are required to fast during daylight.

They later complained to prison officers on duty but say they were told that the menus had been printed in error.

Yet when they opened the sandwiches, having ordered cheese, some claim they were still filled with boiled ham.

They are now launching legal action, insisting that their human rights were breached and could each be entitled to up to £10,000 in compensation if they win their case at court.

One Muslim inmate, a 28-year-old who was serving a 16-week sentence for driving whilst disqualified, said: 'When I opened my meal that night I found I'd been given a ham sandwich. I'd asked for cheese.

'It was a breach of my human rights and I want compensation.'

He claimed that some inmates were so hungry they ended up eating the sandwiches.

The prison denied that any Muslim prisoners had been given ham sandwiches but admitted there had been a mistake when the menus were printed.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice said: 'An inappropriate menu card was printed during Ramadan. This mistake was rectified immediately.

'Appropriate menu options for the Iftaar evening meal were available throughout Ramadan.

'Prison Service guidelines state that prisoners must have a diet which meets the requirements of their religion.'

It comes as 16 Muslim inmates at Leeds Prison prepare to launch a separate legal case over claims of mistreatment, including being given food that is forbidden by their religion.

They are expected to claim at a hearing next year that they were given meat which was not halal.

Kate Maynard, from law firm Hickman and Rose Solicitors who is representing some of the men, said: 'One of the issues they are worried about is that they were being told food was halal when it wasn't.

'They are taking this to court to try to change conditions in the prison and make conditions better.'

Last year the Prison Service was forced to apologise to Muslim inmates at a category B jail after a kitchen worker was caught throwing ham into halal curries.

Prisoners at HMP Blakenhurst in Worcestershire each received a written apology.

The inmate behind the attack at the prison, which houses 1,070 offenders, was observed throwing tinned ham into curries destined for Muslim inmates and suspended from his job in the kitchen.


Åldringsrånaren (Kulturberikare)

GÖTEBORG. Misstänkte åldringsrånaren Sebastian Burianski, 29, från Hjällbo har jagats av polisen under nära ett år. I kväll tar "Efterlyst" i TV3 upp fallet.
- Han är en hyperaktiv brottsling och vi måste få fast honom så fort som möjligt, säger Åke Pettersson, inre befäl i Kortedala, till

Sebastian Burianski är polsk medborgare och har bott i Sverige sedan 1990. Hans specialitet uppges vara att lura sig in hos äldre människor, för att därefter stjäla från dem.I enstaka fall har offren utsatts för våld.2004 dömdes han till fängelse. När han släpptes fri i slutet av 2006 fortsatte brottsligheten.Den 14 januari i år fångades 29-åringen på bild av en övervakningskamera när han under vapenhot rånade en fruktaffär på Morängatan i Göteborg.

Burianski efterlystes och flydde till Norge. Där misstänks han ha fortsatt brottsligheten under ett annat namn. Han greps, men lyckades fly och återvände i somras till Sverige. Norrmännen häktade honom i hans frånvaro.
Läs mer:

Skadegörelse stoppade spårvagnar

Skadegörelse stoppade tillfälligt spårvagnstrafiken mellan Frölunda Torg och Opaltorget på torsdagseftermiddagen.
Enligt Mona Nordberg, pressinformatör vid polisen i Västra Götaland, var det när en spårvagn körde ur tunneln vid Briljantgatan som någon kastade en sten mot en sidoruta i bakre delen av vagnen. En passagerare, en 24-årig man, fick splitter i ögat.
En polispatrull körde honom till sahlgrenska sjukhuset för undersökning och eventuell behandling.
Det är okänt vem som kastade stenen.
Efter händelsen berördes linjerna 1, 7 och 8. De kunde inte köra på sträckan mellan Frölunda Torg och Opaltorget under en halvtimme, från klockan 16.45 till 17.15. Linjerna 1 och 7 fick vända vid Frölunda Torg och linje 8 vid Axel Dahlströms Torg.