tisdag 11 december 2007

Sweden industrialized nation to bananarepublic in 20 years.

" Sweden is transformation becoming a radical introvert kleptocracy. The population
has no sayso in the struggle for the last tax crona. An overtaxed, overworked population is paying the highest taxes in the world. Hundreds of thousands of radical muslims, insane, sick and others from the other side of the globe are seeking asylum in Sweden.

The government has no policy or opinion on how their immigration policy should be
shaped. They are clueless and don't know what to do or how to confront the masses
of asylum seekers. Debate and dialogue are forbidden in Sweden. The media relies
on funds from the government and have banned every mention of immigration and the
resulting problems. The government controlled media are used to quash all protest. New media such as bloggers or online video channels can show what is forbidden in Sweden. This video could never be shown there. The producer of this video would be called rasist, he would be fired from his job, media would put up large pictures and name on the front page, he would never be able to work again if he/she was Swedish.

Militant street thugs that receive support from the government or unions are used to
threat, beat and attack parties and politicians that disagree with the government. Sweden is a semi-democracy, democracy is limited and so are the socialist dictatorships that Sweden has supported during the last 30 years or so."


Tejpades fast vid lyktstolpe och filmades

Två pojkar på en grundskola i Göteborgstrakten drog ut en tredje pojke och tejpade fast honom vid en lyktstolpe. Förövarna filmade övergreppet.

Läs mer: www.gp.se

Tonåringar åtalas för utpressning

- Min kusin fyller år snart. Skaffa fram en bra mobiltelefon åt honom. Ni har två timmar på er, påstås den misstänkte ha sagt.
Läs mer: www.gp.se

15-årig flicka våldtagen av två män

En 15-årig flicka våldtogs på måndagskvällen i Mölndal, söder om Göteborg. Två okända unga män drog in flickan i en bil vid 21-tiden och en av dem våldtog henne på en parkeringsplats.

Läs mer: www.gt.se

11-åring svårt misshandlad av jämnåriga

. En 11-årig pojke misshandlades allvarligt av två jämnåriga pojkar. - De slog honom med en stor sten, säger ett ögonvittne.

Läs mer: www.gt.se