torsdag 13 mars 2008

Saudisk kvinnorättsaktivist kör bil i ren protest

"Many women in this society are able to drive cars, and many of our male relatives don't mind"

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Muslimsk population i de Europeska städerna

Följade siffror är en ungefärlig uppskattning:

Marseilles - 25% (200,000 of 800,000) (NEWS), PACA region - 20% (0.7-1.0 million of 1.5 million) (EUMAP)
Malmo - ~25% (NEWS) [percent of immigrants, foreign born or both parents foreign born: 36% (STAT)]
Amsterdam - 24% (180,000 of 750,000) (STAT), Greater Amsterdam - 12.7% (STAT)
Stockholm - 20% (>155,000 of 771,038) (EUMAP) [percent of immigrants: 36% (STAT)]
Brussels - 17%-20% (160,000-220,000) [some say 33%] (NEWS, NEWS)
Moscow - 16%-20% (2 million of 10-12 milllion) (NEWS)
Greater London - 17% (1.3 million of 7.5 million) (WIKI)
Luton - 14.6% (26,963) (WIKI)
Birmingham 14.3% (139,771) (WIKI)
The Hague - 14.2% ( 67,896 of 475,580) (STAT), Greater Hague - 11% (STAT)
Utrecht - 13.2% (38,300 of 289,000) (STAT), Greater Utrecht - 7% (STAT)
Rotterdam - 13% (80,000 of 600,000) (EUMAP), Greater Rotterdam - 9.9% (STAT)
Copenhagen - 12.6% (63,000 of 500,000) ( EUMAP)
Leicester - 11% (>30,000 of 280,000) (EUMAP)
Aarhus - ~10% (NEWS)
Zaan district (Netherlands) - 8.8% (STAT)
Paris - 7.38% (155,000 of 2.1 million) (EUMAP)
Antwerp- 6.7% (>30,000 of >450,000) (EUMAP)
Hamburg - 6.4% (>110,000 of 1.73 million) (EUMAP)
Berlin - 5.9% (~200,000 of 3.40 million) (EUMAP)

Läs mer: islamineurope